Belt and Road Training Course on BeiDou Precise and Intelligent Positioning Wraps up
On January 12, the 2021 BeiDou Belt and Road Training Course--Precise and Intelligent Positioning Training Course Series was wrapped up in Nanning, Guangxi.
January 22, 2022 -
UN Resident Coordinator Mr. Siddharth Chatterjee Visits CBAS
Mr. Siddharth Chatterjee and Dr. Stephen Bainous Kargbo of the United Nations (UN) paid a visit to CBAS on January 7 to formally meet with CBAS officials and tour the SDG Big Data Platform. Mr. Chatterjee is the UN Resident Coordinator in China and Dr. Kargbo is the UN Industrial Development Organization's representative to China.
January 14, 2022 -
Belt and Road Training Course on BeiDou Precise and Intelligent Positioning Opens in Nanning
The 2021 Belt and Road Training Course on BeiDou Precise and Intelligent Positioning was opened on January 10 in Nanning, capital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in southern China. The opening ceremony has brought more than 40 participants including international students, as well as foreign enterprise and public institution representatives in China.
January 12, 2022 -
My Great PIFI Experience in China
I am Jean-Louis Roujean from France. My stay in China as a distinguished scientist supported by CAS President's International Fellowship Initiative (PIFI) was a great experience for me. It was indeed a stimulating visit through the fruitful discussions I had with my dear Chinese colleagues and the exploration of different places. Science and culture are for me definitively linked. We cannot collaborate at the international level without better understanding the culture of our dear colleagues.
January 11, 2022 -
S&T Innovation Plays Big Role for Belt and Road Cultural Conservation
China-Greece Belt and Road Joint Laboratory on Cultural Heritage Conservation Technology was launched on December 21 at the Palace Museum of China to promote S&T collaboration on cultural heritage protection in both countries.
December 30, 2021 -