Satellite Images Mark 51th Earth Day
Scientists from the data processing division under the China Remote Sensing Satellite Ground Station (RSGS) present us satellite images to mark the day, providing new insight about the beauty of the planet, and telling stories of how ecological landscapes are shaped through human efforts.
April 23, 2020 -
Big Data Platforms for a Global Pandemic
In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, a Chinese Academy of Sciences program known as Big Earth Data Science Engineering (CASEarth) began efforts to organize data and information towards curbing the outbreak. CASEarth coordinated a national effort to develop a global big data platform for coronavirus (http://nmdc.cn/nCov/en). This platform has been publishing and disseminating timely, authoritative scientific data and information concerning COVID-19, including detection methods, electron micrographs, genomes, scientific literature, results from ongoing scientific research, and a collection of virus strains from the National Pathogen Microbial Resource Bank. These resources are valuable for scientific studies on COVID-19 and for experts active in prevention and control of COVID-19 infections.
April 17, 2020 -
AIR Scientists Contribute to Klystron R&D for Circular Electron-Positron Collider
The 650 MHz klystron prototype for the Circular Electron-Positron Collider (CEPC) has been successfully developed in March 2020, featuring continuous wave (CW) and pulse output power of 400 kW and 800 kW respectively, and 62% efficiency, according to a news release from the Aerospace Information Research Institute (AIR).
March 20, 2020 -
Chinese Researchers Use Satellite Data to Monitor Desert Locusts
BEIJING, March 1 (Xinhua) -- Chinese researchers have used satellite data and meteorological data to monitor desert locusts and offer early warnings, according to the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Researchers from the Aerospace Information Research Institute of the CAS analyzed satellite data generated by China's Gaofen series satellites, Landsat from the United States, and European Space Agency's Sentinel.
March 02, 2020 -
The Journal Satellite Navigation Published
The Journal Satellite Navigation, co-sponsored by the Aerospace Information Research Institute under the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Springer Nature, was officially published in English on 20 January 2020. The peer-reviewed journal is online in an open-access format, marking the first international satellite navigation journal that has ever been published in China.
January 21, 2020 -
China's First Monograph on Remote Sensing of Urban Green Space Published
Recently, the Remote Sensing of Urban Green Space was published by Science Press as China’s first monograph that comprehensively studies urban vegetation from the perspective of remote sensing.Authored by Prof. MENG Qingyan from the Aerospace Information Research Institute (AIR), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the book is a result of decade efforts of Prof. Meng and his team in the field of urban green space remote sensing since 2010.
May 08, 2020