Research News

AIR Scientists Harness Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence for Cotton Yield Prediction

Scientists from the National Engineering Research Center for Satellite Remote Sensing Applications, Aerospace information Research Institute (AIR), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), together with collaborators from Shihezi University (Xinjiang, China), harnessed solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence as a potent indicator for predicting crop yields, and achieved significant advancements in the realm of mid-season cotton yield forecast in Xinjiang.

Nov 09, 2023

"AIR·RingSee" Integrated Machine Unveiled to Boost Remote Sensing Image Interpretation

A significant advancement in the field of remote sensing of China has emerged, as researchers from the Aerospace Information Research Institute (AIR), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), unveiled their latest product – the "AIR·RingSee" integrated machine for remote sensing intelligence training and inference on October 26, 2023.

Oct 27, 2023

Study Reveals Human Activities and Natural Impacts on Biological Soil Crusts in China’s Drylands

In the arid regions where desertification threatens dryland ecosystems, scientists from the Aerospace Information Research Institute (AIR) under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) have taken a closer look at the intricate relationship between natural factors and human activities on non-vascular plants, particularly biological soil crusts (BSCs) in China.

Oct 27, 2023

Novel Evolutionary Design Method Optimizes Performance of MEMS Pressure Sensor

A research team led by Prof. WANG Junbo from the State Key Laboratory of Transducer Technology with the Aerospace Information Research Institute (AIR), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) introduced a novel simulation-based evolutionary method for the design of parameter-free MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) structures. This innovative approach aims to maximize the degrees of freedom in MEMS design, opening the door to more efficient and adaptable microscale structures.

Oct 31, 2023

UAVs Facilitate Bidirectional Reflectivity Measurement for Ground-Based Objects

A recent study employed polygonal flight paths along the hemisphere to measure Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) for ground-based objects, even at large zenith angles and all azimuth angles. The study was published in Remote Sensing on Oct 18, 2023.

Oct 25, 2023