Research News

AIR Completes UAV-based Field Measurement Campaign in Qinghai Golmud Area

Scientists from the CAS Key Laboratory of Quantitative Remote Sensing Information Technology with the Aerospace Information Research Institute (AIR) carried out a field measurement campaign in the Golmud area of Qinghai Province from August 7 to August 17, 2019.

Sep 05, 2019

Plasma Diagnostic System Improved to Ensure Safe Nuclear Fusion

BEIJING, June 27 (Xinhua) -- Chinese researchers have improved a diagnostics system for nuclear fusion devices, paving the way for producing controlled thermonuclear fusion power in the future.At the temperatures required for fusion reactions, the matter can only exist in the plasma state, free negative electrons and positive nuclei. Some fusion reactors use a magnetic field to confine hot plasma for fusion actions to take place.

Jun 27, 2019

Meeting Held to Summarize Mid-term Advances on Global Carbon Cycle Program

A meeting on“stereo observation and inversion of the key parameters of global carbon cycle” was held on July 8 to summarize the mid-term advances of the program.A meeting on the “stereo observation and inversion of the key parameters of global carbon cycle” was held on July 8 to summarize the mid-term advances of the program.

Jul 23, 2019

Giant Balloon to Garner Climate Data

Chinese scientists launched a giant aerostat, a helium-filled tethered balloon, called Jimu-1 on Thursday morning to observe atmospheric water vapor at a record altitude of 7,003 meters in the Nam Co region of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Jimu-1 is the first of three Chinese made aerostats that will be tasked with collecting more accurate atmospheric data to be used in studying climate change and sustainable development in the region, according to the Aerospace Information Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the balloon's manufacturer and operator.

May 24, 2019

Baotou Cal & Val Test Site Revamped

AIR has recently launched a one-month renovating campaign on the “National Calibration and Validation Site for High Resolution Remote Sensors” (or “Baotou site” in short) , specifically on the artificial optical targets of the site to address such problems as thinning gravel layer and spreading weeds, which may decrease spectral performance and spatial uniformity of the targets.

Jul 11, 2019