Supervisors for International Students

WU Bingfang

Jan 09, 2014

Name: WU Bingfang

Current Appointment: Professor, Division of Digital Agriculture & Disaster, Key Laboratory of Digital Earth Science, Institute of Remote sensing and digital earthRADI, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).


Visiting Scholar at Arizona University, 1992

Post Doctor in Geo-information Science and Remote Sensing, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1989-1991

Ph.D. in Environmental Planning and Management, Tsinghua University, 1986-1989

M.Sc. in Water Resources and System Analysis, Tianjin University, 1982-1985

B.Sc. in Hydraulic Engineering, Nanchang University, 1978-1982

Areas of Specialization:

Agriculture remote sensing

Water resource and management

Ecology remote sensing

Academic Awards

2008 Recipient of the third award for Dayu Science and Technology in Hydraulics, the Ministry of Water Resources of PRC.

2003 Recipient of the second award for “State Science and Technology Progress”.

2002 Recipient of the second Award for “Science and Technology Progress”, Ministry of Water Resources.

2001 Recipient of the “Advanced individual of State 863 Proramme ”.

Society Appointments:

Member of Professional Societies:

Co-leader of GEOSS Agriculture Task

Member of China IGBP Land Theme

Standing Director of Chinese Environmental Remote Sensing Association

Standing Director of Chinese Remote Sensing Application Association

Member of Editorial Board:

Associate Editor for "Int. J. Applied Earth Observation & Geo-information"

Associate Editor for "J. remote sensing" (Chinese)

Refereed Journal Articles:

Spatial and temporal patterns of greenhouse gas emissions from Three Gorges reservoir of China. Biogeosciences, 10, 1219-1230. 2013.

Crop planting and type proportion method for crop acreage estimation of complex agricultural landscapes International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation16101-1122012

Validation of ETWatch using field measurements at diverse landscapes: A case study in Hai Basin of China. Journal of Hydrology. 436-437. 67-80. 2012.

Hydro-ecological impact of water conservancy projects in the Haihe River Basin. Acta Oecologica, 44: 67-74. 2012.

Soil erosion risk and its spatial pattern in upstream area of Guanting reservoirEnvironmental Earth Sciences, 65(1), pp 221-229, 2012/1.

Patterns and driving forces of cropland changes in the Three Gorges Area, China. Reg Environ Change (2012) 12:765–776.

Water body mapping method with HJ-1A/B satellite imagery. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 3(13): 428-434. 2011.

Maize acreage estimation using ENVISAT MERIS and CBERS-02B CCD data in the North China Plain. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 78 (2011) 208–214. 

An effective biophysical indicator for opium yield estimation, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 75 (2): 272-277. 2011.

Impact analysis of the Three-Gorges Project on the spawning of Chinese sturgeon Acipenser sinensis. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 27(2): 383–386. 2011.

Validation of HJ-1 B charge-coupled device vegetation index products with spectral reflectance of Hyperion, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2011, 32 (24): 9051-9070

Spectral discrimination of opium poppy using field spectrometry, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2011.2126582. 2011.

An integrated crop condition monitoring system with remote sensing. Transactions of the ASABE (American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers), 53(3): 971-979. 2010.

Inverting a forest canopy reflectance model to retrieve the overstorey and understorey leaf area index for forest stands, International Journal of Remote Sensing, DOI:10.1080/01431161.2010.525259. 2011.

Identification of priority areas for controlling soil erosion, CATENA, 1(83): 76-86. 2010.

Estimation and validation of land surface evaporation using remote sensing in North China. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. Conference special issue, 3(3): 337-344. 2010.

Estimation and validation of land surface evaporation using remote sensing in North China. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. Conference special issue, 3(3): 337-344. 2010.

Assessment of soil erosion and sediment delivery ratio using remote sensing and GIS: a case study of upstream Chaobaihe River catchment, north China, International Journal of Sediment Research, 23(2): 167-173 . 2008

Major Research Projects:

Strategy guide technology special programme of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Land ecological system carbon sequestration parameters monitoring and estimation with remote sensing (2011-2015)

Nation Science Foundation of China Programme: Quantitative Parametric Approaches for Land Surface Evapotranspiration Models with Remote Sensing in Arid Region (2011-2014)

Nation Science Foundation of China Programme: Assessment on capacities of ecosystem monitoring ,research and management in Africa (2011-2014)

China Fundamental Research (973) Programme: Regional Ecosystem Service Assessment at Loess Plateau and North-South Transect of China (2009-2013)

Collaborative Project between Chinese Academy of Sciences and Three Gorges Corporation Inc.: Study to Greenhouse Gas Emissions - Fluxes and Processes for Three Gorges Dam (2009-2011)

China High Technology Research (863) Programme: Field level crop biomass and carbon fluxes estimation (2009-2011)

World Bank consultancy on Turfan Water projects (2009-2013) Consultancy on water management based on ET

Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Post Environmental Impact Assessment for Large Engineering Projects (2007-2010)

Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Better Land Resources Management for Sustainable Agriculture (2007-2010)

World Bank Consultancy project: ET monitoring System with Remote Sensing (2005-2009) ET estimation with remote sensing and processing system development

Ministry of Water Resources: Soil Erosion Monitoring Using Remote Sensing in Haihe Basin (2004-2009) Soil erosion monitoring with remote sensing and small watershed control schemes survey

State Council Three Gorges Commission: Environmental information system for Three-Gorges Project (2002-2009) Information system for environment monitoring network over Changjiang river, database development, environment management

State Council Three Gorges Commission: Environment monitoring with remote sensing in Three-Gorges Region (2002-2010) land use/cover, environment quality, resettlement and vegetation quality monitoring with remote sensing and ground survey

Office Address:

Olympic Viliage Science Park

West Beichen Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101

People's Republic of China

Telephone: 86-10-64855689
